Create Your Free Event Rentals Wish List Here!
At Magic Special Events, our rental inventory is extensive so check back often as we are constantly updating our product listings!
To find the products you are looking to rent, simply click on one of the categories or use our search box option. You can add items to your Wish List and one of our team members will gladly help you with complete pricing, tell you about special offers, and assist you in completing all your event production needs.
If your event rental needs are urgent or within the next week please call our office at (804) 230-1500.
Prices subject to change and do not include delivery charges. Delivery charge for the Richmond, VA area starts at $225.00. Submitting items for quotes does not place a actual rental order. This on-line wish cart is for quoting purposes only. We will gladly help you with creating an active rental order once we receive your wish list.